The Society of Biblical Literature – A Leader in Its Field

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The Society of Biblical Literature

An associate professor at the University of Michigan’s Department of Near Eastern Studies, Yaron Eliav teaches Jewish studies and rabbinic literature. An award-winning author, Yaron Eliav is also a member of the Society of Biblical Literature (SBL).

Founded in 1880, the Society of Biblical Literature is a leader in discipline of biblical studies and represents more than 8,000 members worldwide. As a resource to its members, the organization offers several educational tools and publishes dozens of books a year through the SBL Press. Its publications range from style handbooks to works of commentary. Open to anyone interested in biblical scholarship, the Society of Biblical Literature also sponsors a number of meetings for regional and international groups, as well as a major annual meeting for all of its members.

In 2016, the annual meeting will be held in San Antonio, Texas, from November 19th to November 22nd. Designed to help members network and to expose them to the latest books and research in the field, the meeting also hosts a wide range of programs and speakers. Some of the planned programs for the 2016 meeting include Ancient Near Eastern Iconography and the Bible, the Bible and Emotion, and Theological Interpretation of Scripture, among other topics. Although general public members are welcome to attend, only full and student members may present papers.